Category: Projects

  • Creative Expert for Microsoft!

    Creative Expert for Microsoft!

    I was approached by Microsoft to be one of their Creative Experts and share some of my workflows with a general audience!

  • Work Featured in ELLE Decor Brazil

    Work Featured in ELLE Decor Brazil

    So pleased to have work included in a recent issue of ELLE Decor Brazil (v3 June 2024)!

  • Commissioned for Samsung Bespoke Promotion

    Commissioned for Samsung Bespoke Promotion

    I was commissioned by Samsung and my gen-AI work is now featured in their promotional videos for their new line of AI-powered Bespoke appliances!

  • Featured Visual Artist in Storms Journal

    Featured Visual Artist in Storms Journal

    I’m proud to have been the featured visual artist for the latest edition of (volume 3) of The Storms Journal!

  • Opening Remarks to Professional Advisory Board at University of Arkansas

    Opening Remarks to Professional Advisory Board at University of Arkansas

    Thrilled to offer some opening remarks to the Professional Advisory Board at the University of Arkansas’ Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design.

  • PAAC AI Creative Challenge Judging

    PAAC AI Creative Challenge Judging

    I was invited to judge an AI Creative Challenge competition for the Parametric-Architecture Academy along with Tim Fu and Aida Rasouli Saani.

  • Article of my work in FOTOpuls Magazine in Munich

    Article of my work in FOTOpuls Magazine in Munich

    A really nice article written by Thorsten Naeser of FOTOpuls Magazine.

  • Published in Harper’s BAZAAR Serbia!

    Published in Harper’s BAZAAR Serbia!

    I’m thrilled to announce that my collaboration with the fashion brand Monize and Harpers Bazaar has resulted in the first (as far as I know) hybrid photography/AI cover for a multinational magazine brand! The cover and editorial blends traditional photography of a real model and wardrobe along with fictional AI-generated settings, backgrounds, and architectures. It…

  • Spatial Effects with Midjourney Workshop

    Spatial Effects with Midjourney Workshop

    Spatial Effects with Midjourney: Text-to-image diffusion models are an accessible way for artists, architects, and designers to experiment with Artificial Intelligence. MidJourney is one such platform that engages our imaginations and lets us explore and test design ideas in a fraction of the time it would traditionally take to draw, model, or render. Joshua Vermillion…

  • Fundamentals of Digital Design for Architecture Online Course on Kadenze

    Fundamentals of Digital Design for Architecture Online Course on Kadenze

    Fundamentals of Digital Design for Architecture on Kadenze New online course taught by Joshua Vermillion, UNLV School of Architecture: This program is a new spin on beginning architectural design, introducing digital skill sets and parametric thinking through drawing, modeling, and prototyping. The exercises progress from two-dimensional drawings and graphic compositions, to three-dimensional spatial studies, to…

  • De[MONSTR]ative Architectures: Apotheosis of the Unfamiliar – 2nd Year Studio at UNLV

    De[MONSTR]ative Architectures: Apotheosis of the Unfamiliar – 2nd Year Studio at UNLV

    During the Fall 2017 semester a new set of exercises for a design foundation studio was developed by Alberto de Salvatierra, Samantha Solano, and Joshua Vermillion. Inspired by temporal cycles and systems, the UNLV School of Architecture’s Design Foundation course—which must serve the dual constituency of beginning architecture and landscape architecture students—was redesigned and rebuilt…

  • Fielden Medal for Contributions of Excellence to Architectural Education

    Fielden Medal for Contributions of Excellence to Architectural Education

    Joshua Vermillion received the Jane + Robert Fielden Medal for Contributions of Excellence to Architectural Education from UNLV’s School of Architecture.

  • Parametric Design Presentation to Construction Specifications Institute Las Vegas Chapter

    Parametric Design Presentation to Construction Specifications Institute Las Vegas Chapter

    On September 12, 2017 I gave a seminar/presentation to members of the local Construction Specifications Institute chapter on best-practices using parametric design tools in the construction industry. Attendees earned Continuing Education Units through the American Institute of Architects.

  • Augmenting Reality Workshop with Hadrian Predock (USC) in the Foundation Studio

    Augmenting Reality Workshop with Hadrian Predock (USC) in the Foundation Studio

  • Every Neighborhood Needs an Architect wins Fourth Place in Federally-funded Competition

    Every Neighborhood Needs an Architect wins Fourth Place in Federally-funded Competition

    In Spring 2015, I was part of a team that placed fourth overall ($50,000 prize) in the Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) competition. This is a federally funded economic development program started by the Obama administration to solicit innovative ideas in the urban environment to spur economic development, and judged locally by a mixture of…

  • Graduate Studio Moves on to Finalist Round in Federally Funded SC2 Competition

    Graduate Studio Moves on to Finalist Round in Federally Funded SC2 Competition

    The first round of the SC2 Competition was integrated into the Fall 2014 graduate comprehensive studio (co-taught with Mark Roddy, FAIA). This one month-long effort was recognized by the City of Las Vegas and received a 7th place ranking in the first-round of the competition among all of the teams and projects submitted In January…

  • 2014 Taylor Seminar Lecturer at the University of Calgary Environmental Design

    2014 Taylor Seminar Lecturer at the University of Calgary Environmental Design

    In 2014 I was invited to the University of Calgary for one week as the Taylor Seminar Lecturer. The Taylor Seminar brings emerging designers in the fields of digital fabrication, design and computation in architecture to Calgary to explore design research proposals and prototypes with a group of graduate students. Over the course of 4-5 days…



    Some silicone casting experiments by Tyler Cox and Michael Bolatto. I was advising them right before I left Ball State for UNLV.

  • ZIPP


    Showroom wall for ZIPP Speak Weaponry, who design, engineer, and manufacture carbon composite bicycle wheels and other bike components for cycling, triathlons, and track racing.



    Custom office furniture designed, manufactured, and installed for the Center for Media Design on the campus of Ball State University.



    “Transformer” is a layered, light-responsive shading lattice, designed and fabricated by an interdisciplinary team of students and faculty. The system acts as an active shading device, potentially for use within a building envelope.



    tetraMIN is a hanging screen aggregate consisting of componentry generated from tetrahedron geometry via Rhino’s Grasshopper parametric modeling plug-in. Comprised of laser cut polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) scraps, each component forms a periodic minimal surface, and is propagated into a regular pattern by a series of reflecting/mirroring operations.



    The “reBarn” program evolved to enhance the site by connecting users more solidly to the landscape in a tactile and visual manner, and provide a new platform for activity (crawling, climbing, sliding) and reflection (sitting, chatting, viewing, and reclining).



    Comprised of custom laser-cut “petals”, “stems”, and hinges, Morpholuminescence was pre-assembled for testing prior to shipping in pieces to the SPOT ON SCHOOLS exhibition in Florence, Italy.



    ‘SmartScrap’ was a project testing ecological design strategies for the building industry following generous awards from the Graham Foundation for the Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts and the Discovery foundation.



    A scaffold of suspended kinetic meshwork, populated by secondary components such as a light weight, expanded textile meshwork. Responding in conjunction with microprocessor-controlled actuators and sensors, the system self adjusts based on the location of users in the space.



    Beginning with material investigations by students with hardwood veneer, Luminaire highlights some of the subtler properties of hardwood. The thinness of veneer allows wood to bend, twist, and glow—revealing latent and innate qualities of the thinly sliced wood.